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‘Maltesers‘ Soup’: Leaving No Elder Behind


‘Maltesers‘ Soup’: Leaving No Elder Behind

Sometimes we don't think that just one bowl of soup can brighten up an old lonely person's everyday life. It seems that poverty has left Lithuania, but the lives of lonely elderly people say something else - according to the State Data Agency, every third Lithuanian pensioner lives below the poverty risk threshold. After working all their lives, today they can only rely on our kindness. Let's hear them, extend a helping hand, open our hearts to those whom everyone has turned away from, forgotten, abandoned. There are no grandparents.

,,Maltese soup' is more than a bowl of food. It is an expression of concern for those for whom waiting for Christmas is not a time of hope and faith, for them it is a fearful time of uncertainty about tomorrow. The Maltese invite you to extend a helping hand to lonely and needy old people.

The very word "soup" sounds like a symbol of helping an old man. After all, there is both care and compassion under it. "Soup" is synonymous with respect for old age. "Soup" unites Lithuania - every donation becomes an expression of our desire to help. "Soup" brings us all together in one big team of kindness.

Thanks to this project, we plan to visit 250 elderly people in ten cities and towns, feeding them hot soup, a second meal or taking them a food truck.

We invite you to contribute to the "Maltese soup"!