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Let's provide especially needed therapies


Let's provide especially needed therapies

There is really a lot of talk about autism spectrum disorder today. The body sensors of children on the autism spectrum receive information differently and it is extremely difficult for them to adjust them, as a result of which the child cannot communicate, play or study normally. Autistic children experience daily anxiety that interferes with their functioning. Constant anxiety affects the nervous system of an autistic child in such a way that he cannot form healthy social relationships, feels insecure, not to mention a very fragile sense of self-worth.

Who can help them?

Autism spectrum disorder is not a disease and there is no cure for it, but various therapies improve the quality of life of autistic children. Unfortunately, high-quality, science-based therapies are expensive and often out of reach for parents. We invite you to donate and contribute - changing this situation! DIR Floortime - with the help of therapy, the child learns to calm down and concentrate on joint activities - games, learning or quality time with another person.

Your support will contribute to the 100th organized individual DIR Floortime therapy courses.

Help autistic children feel less anxious!