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Let’s help adopting, foster families


Let’s help adopting, foster families

The main goal of the Kaunas Archdiocese Caritas program “Child Welfare Institute” is to provide comprehensive (professional and informal) assistance in raising children for the families of adoptive parents and guardians. We aim to help the child grow up happy in the family and give the adoptive and foster families a space to communicate with each other, get to know the children and their peculiarities better, hear their inner voice - intuition and free themselves for a happy relationship with the child. The Institute and its children's day center, is the first day center in Lithuania for adopted / foster children, operates every working day and provides long-term therapeutic services for children and parents. The forms of therapies provided here are innovative and responsive to the individual needs of children and parents.

When working with children, we find that our caregivers have had a variety of painful experiences that lead them out of balance, causing anger, depression, alienation, and helplessness. Such children need long-term comprehensive assistance in surviving the loss of biological family members, learning to adopt new parents, overcoming many psychological barriers and behavioral disorders. Therefore, in addition to activities organized by employment professionals, it is necessary to organize therapeutic sessions for children.