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Help of psychologists in crisis


Help of psychologists in crisis

Help people experiencing psychological and financial difficulties to get free psychological help - fast and without registration. "Crisis Overcoming Center" has hands, but lacks funds, so your help is very much needed!

WHO: People living in Lithuania, including Ukrainians, who will be provided with about 650 initial and continuing consultations.

WHAT CASES: experiencing psychological crises: bereavement, divorce, relationship problems, having suicidal thoughts and others.

WHY: many people experience psychological difficulties, but not everyone has the opportunity to pay for psychological consultations at the right time. A study conducted by the "Crisis Overcoming Center" and the KOG Institute showed that last year almost every second person in Lithuania went through a crisis.

HOW: psychological help will be provided by volunteer psychologists of the "Crisis Overcoming Center". Help is provided six days a week, quickly, anonymously, without registration.

All support collected will go to:
• for individual consultations;
• for strengthening the team of psychologists: volunteer group supervision, training, motivational event;
• For the support of the "Crisis Overcoming Center": part of the administrative funds allocated for the rent of premises, communication, accounting services, part of the salary of the project manager.

About the "Crisis Overcoming Center":
"Crisis Overcoming Center" is an organization based on professional volunteering, which provides professional psychological counseling services. Specialists in coping with psychological crises provide urgent anonymous psychological help to people who are going through difficult life situations, six days a week during on-call hours.

You can contact the center's psychologists live - Antakalnio str. 97-47, Vilnius, or remotely - via Messenger (@Krizės Óveikimas), Skype (@krizesiveikimas) on weekdays from 16:00 to 20:00, Saturdays from 12:00 to 16:00.

During the year 2022, 482 people applied for primary help to the center, 2,244 were given ongoing consultations. About 250 consultations were for Ukrainians.

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