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For the Childhood 2024


For the Childhood 2024

According to the data of the State Data Agency, in 2023 every fifth inhabitant of Lithuania lived below the risk of poverty. The most vulnerable groups in terms of the risk of poverty include not only the elderly, people with disabilities, the unemployed, but also single parents raising children and children under the age of 18, whose poverty risk level reached 17% last year.

Organization "Save the Children" constantly takes care of children living in difficult conditions in Lithuania, pregnant women and families who need all of our support. Help is provided to them by taking care of children's free time in children's day centers under the care of the organization, by developing parenting skills and otherwise strengthening families, by providing material, emotional and psychological support.

Families with children living more complex lives face quality of life and psychological challenges every day. When the wind blows through the windows or you can only take water from the well in the yard to take a shower, you have to choose whether to pay utility bills or buy a new jacket for your child, you cannot afford the educational services necessary to reveal the child's talent, the self-esteem of both the adult and the child weakens. social exclusion is increasing. The responsibility of Save the Children is to notice, assess and help. Not only giving a fishing rod, but also teaching how to use a fishing rod, so that everyday life is happy, safe, full and warm.

Your support helps the organization take care of those who need help here and now. A water well, firewood for the winter, cards to buy food, the necessary musical instrument, the possibility to accept a child in a day care center... for someone, this is the biggest dream. Fulfilling it through sacrifice is not difficult, but the real reward is the feeling of kindness and light that fills the heart after doing a good deed. We invite you to share. Thank you that we are together for every child's secure future!

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