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Social Taxi - Freedom to Move


Social Taxi - Freedom to Move

"Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion."

Vytautas had been spending his days alone at home observing the sounds of the city and reading books. Stroke occurred unexpectedly. From that moment he can't move his legs. He didn't had any children and said that Irute was around until her last day.

"It's sad without my Irute. I always wanted to see those roads where we used to walk but there was no way to go there. Nobody would take an old man to a park on a weekend. I also want to visit Irute's grave for reading and talking with her. My brother's daughter comes by for supplying me with all the necessary things and taking me to a hospital when needed. However I don't want to bother her. Young people have their own lives and troubles", - said Vytautas.

First time about "Social Taxi" services Vytautas heard from his neighbor three years ago.

"I bow my grey head, you know. Now I can more often visit my Irute and also enjoy a clean air in the park on weekends. Those guys (personal assistants) not only push my wheelchair but also make me laugh a lot. I don't feel so lonely and forgotten anymore", - Vytautas shared his experience with "Social Taxi".

This is one of many stories about "Social Taxi" which inspires us to work even harder. "Social Taxi" - it's the only alternative social innovation in Lithuania to help the people with disabilities to be more mobile and independent, while planing their daily activities. Demand for such services grows every day therefore it's already not enough one "Social Taxi" car in Kaunas. With additional adapted automobile more people with disabilities would have chance to change their lives.

Don't be indifferent, help to move freely!