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Privacy Policy



What does this Privacy policy mean?

In this Privacy policy for you, visitors of donation portal (hereinafter referred to as Portal), we submit the information about how VšĮ Geros valios projektai (code of legal entity: 301678868, registered address: Vaidilutės st. 57A, Vilnius, the Republic of Lithuania, address: A.Goštauto st. 8-38, LT-01108 Vilnius, the Republic of Lithuania) (hereinafter referred to as Institution) manage your personal data, which you submit by visiting portal, contacting us via email or phone or visiting the Institution.

The terms used in this Privacy policy are defined in the Rules of Portal.

What personal data we collect about you?

If you visit our Portal, contact us via email or phone or visit our Institution, we can collect your personal data:

How do we get personal data about you?

We can get your personal data from:

The person donating on other person’s behalf, the Organisation submitting the Project for selection or implementing the Project or any other person in any way submitting the data of other person to us is responsible for correctness and legality of such data and this person should inform the persons, who personal data are submitted, about submission of their personal data to us, including the purposes of data submission, in a manner set out by legal acts.

Before choosing to become a Periodic donor, we recommend that you read the Privacy policy and contact the service provider directly if you have any questions about how they use your personal data.

When do we manage underage persons’ personal data?

Services provided in the Portal are only for the persons, who are older than 14 years old and who have the right to dispose solo of their income and asset. If we have reasonable doubts that we manage the data of the persons, who are younger than the indicated age in here, we will remove the data of these persons from databases.

How do we manage personal data about you?

Your personal data will be managed by following the European Union General Data Protection Regulation, the Republic of Lithuania Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data and set requirements of other legal acts. Your personal data are managed responsibly and safely. By identifying management means of personal data as well as during data management itself, the Institution implements proper technical and organisation means of data protection set in legal acts. These means are for protection of managed personal data from the accidental or illegal erasure, corruption, amendment, loss, disclosure as well as from any other illegal management. Proper means are identified in consideration of the risks in case of personal data management.

What cookies are used on this Portal?

A cookie is the information, which is sent to Internet browser by Internet serves and kept in the browser. This information is sent to Internet server every time, when the browser asks to open the page from server. This allows Internet server to identify and to monitor Internet browser.

There are used these cookies on the Portal:

__utma This cookie collects the information about the number of visits on Portal

By connecting to Portal. By accepting to use cookies.

2 years Analytic The information indicating how many times the visitor connected to Portal, when was the first and the last connections
__utmb This cookie registers timestamp with exact time, when Portal visitor makes a visit on it

By connecting to Portal. By accepting to use cookies.

During the session Analytic A moment of time, when a visitor connected to Portal
__utmc Registers time marker indicating exact time of Portal opening By connecting to Portal. By accepting to use cookies. During the session Analytic A moment of time, when a visitor disconnected from Portal
__utmt This cookie is used for wanting to speed up requests to server By connecting to Portal. By accepting to use cookies. During the session Analytic The number indicating by what speed should interact Portal with Google Analytics
__utmz This cookie collects the data about where Portal visitor was, what search system was used, what link was clicked and what search term was used By connecting to Portal. By accepting to use cookies. 6 months Analytic The information indicating from where the visitor came from to Portal, what browser is used, what links were clicked, what keywords were used, from what place the connection to Portal was made
_fbp Used by Facebook that it would submit a series of promotional products, for example, proposals of the third parties advertisers in real time. By connecting to Portal.  3 months Marketing Enciphered unique Facebook user ID and browser ID
_ga Used by Google to distinguish the users By connecting to Portal.  2 years Analytic Enciphered unique Facebook user ID and browser ID
_gid Used by Google to distinguish the users By connecting to Portal.  24 hours Analytic Enciphered unique Facebook user ID and browser ID
_gat_* Used by Google to throttle the requests to the server. By connecting to Portal.  1 minute Analytic Unique Portal's Google Analytics ID
_dc_gtm_* Used by Google to throttle the requests to the server. By connecting to Portal.  1 minute Analytic Unique Portal's Google Analytics ID
culture Used by system in order to identify what language is chosen by the user. By connecting to Portal. Has no term of expiration Necessary Identificator of the selected language on Portal
cookies Identifies if Portal visitor agreed to receive cookies. By accepting to receive cookies. Has no term of expiration Necessary A moment of acceptance time
ANID Used by Google to show personalized ads in Google ad places throughout the internet and remember various preferences of the user as well as other statistics. By connecting to Portal. By accepting to receive cookies. 6 months Marketing Enciphered unique Facebook user ID
NID Used by Google to show personalized ads in Google ad places throughout the internet and remember various preferences of the user as well as other statistics. By connecting to Portal. By accepting to receive cookies. 6 months Marketing Enciphered unique Facebook user ID
CONSENT Used by Google to show personalized ads in Google ad places throughout the internet and remember various preferences of the user as well as other statistics. By connecting to Portal. By accepting to receive cookies. Has no term of expiration Marketing Enciphered unique Facebook user ID
1P_JAR Used by Google to show personalized ads in Google ad places throughout the internet and remember various preferences of the user as well as other statistics. By connecting to Portal. By accepting to receive cookies. 6 months Marketing Enciphered unique Facebook user ID
DV Used by Google to show personalized ads in Google ad places throughout the internet and remember various preferences of the user as well as other statistics. By connecting to Portal. By accepting to receive cookies. 6 months Marketing Enciphered unique Facebook user ID
ASPXAUTH Used by Portal to determine if the user is logged in or not. By connecting to Portal. By logging in to Portal's self-care. 1 month Necessary Enciphered unique Portal's user ID
__cfduid This cookie is used to identify a Portal's user on Payhere platform. By connecting to Periodic Payments page. 30 days Necessary Enciphered unique ID

How are used your personal data, which are submitted to us via means of social media?

All the information that are submitted by you via social media means (including messages, usage of “Like” and “Follow” fields and other communication) is controlled by social network manager.

At the moment we have these accounts in social networks:

We recommend you to read social networks privacy policies and directly contact services provider, if you have any questions regarding how your personal data are used.

To who we can disclose your personal data?

We can disclose your personal data to personal data managers, who provide us with services (do the works), i.e., information technologies services providers, payment services providers, accounting services providers, auditors, lawyers, advisers and manage your data on the Institution as data manager behalf.

Data managers have the right to manage personal data only by our instructions and only by that volume and insofar as it is possible. With the help of data managers we take up all the necessary means by seeking to ensure that our data managers also would implement proper organisational and technical means, which ensure personal data protection and keep the secret of personal data.

When you donate via Portal, you put the tick on “I agree to be seen on the list of the Project donors” in donation blank or when you make transfer via bank and you indicate this request of yours in purpose of payment, then your name and surname will be published directly on the list of the appropriate Project donors that is published on Portal.

If the organisation, where you work, participate in Projects selection, we can submit your personal data to the members (they are the representatives of the Institution, experts of NGO sector and active members of society) of evaluation commission, who implement Projects selection. Read more about Projects selection and applications assessment in the column “Propose a project”.

Your data can be submitted to official bodies and national institutions, other persons implementing functions assigned to them by the laws.

What rights do you have?

You have the right to:

How you can implement your rights?

By seeking to implement your rights, requests, complaints or demands, submit them to us in writing:

Regarding received requests, complaints or demands we will reply to you in writing by a manner set out in legal acts and terms and we try to submit the information for you as soon as possible but no later than within 30 days after the day, when we received your request. This period, if it is a need, can be extended for two more months depending on complexity and number of requests. The Institution within one month after the day, when request was received, will inform you about such extension with the reasons of delay.

If we have suspicions regarding the identity of applying person, when request, complaint or demand is received, we have the right to ask identity document of applying person and (or) by a manner set out in legal acts and (or) by electronic means of communication, which properly allow to identify the person in order to confirm his/her identity.

If we are not capable of providing you with necessary information and (or) you have claims regarding how your personal data are managed, you have the right to apply to State Data Protection Inspectorate by submitting a complaint.

How will we inform about changes of Privacy policy?

We can update or amend this Privacy policy at any time. Such updated or amended Privacy policy will enter into force after the day, when it is published on Portal. You should check it from time to time and to be sure that you are satisfied by relevant version of Privacy policy.

By updating Privacy policy, we will inform you about, in our opinion, essential changes publishing them on Portal. You can check the date as “Update date”, which is shown below by wanting to know, when the last time Privacy policy was updated.

How to contact us?

If you have any questions related to the conditions of this Privacy policy, you are welcome to contact us by the details of the Institution that are indicated below, by calling phone number indicated below or by sending a request via email or a registered letter:

VšĮ Geros valios projektai
Code of legal entity: 301678868
Address: A.Goštauto st. 8-38, LT-01108 Vilnius, The Republic of Lithuania
Phone number: +370 602 31001

Update date: 2021-06-21