Transfer 1.2% of your income tax to
If you are a tax payer in Lithuania and would like to support the development of, you can do so by transferring 1.2% of your income tax to the administrating enterprise. Fill an online form in Electronic Declaration System (EDS) of the State Tax Inspectorate till 2023-05-02.
1. Log in to The Electronic Declaration System of the State Tax Inspectorate HERE.
2. In the top menu choose "Declaration", on a menu on the left "Fill a form".
3. Choose form FR0512 v.5 to fill online.
4. The information you need to fill out the request online:
Gavėjo identifikacinis numeris (kodas) – 301678868 [code of beneficiary]
Mokesčio dalies paskirtis – AUKOK.LT [aim of donation]
Mokesčio dalies dydis (procentais) – 1,2 [percent of the revenue tax to be transferred, max. 1.20]
Mokesčio dalį skiriu iki mokestinio laikotarpio – 2026 [year until which you want to transfer part of your taxes, 2026 latest]
If you have any questions concerning 1.2% of income tax support, please write to us or call us +370 602 31001.
If you would like to transfer 1.2% of income tax later and receive a reminder, please write to us